Additional Resources
Guidance and tools to protect your career against discrimination
Use JustiProof to confirm your discrimination concerns are valid.
Write a brief summary of your situation and we'll match it against thousands of EEOC cases, returning three cases that most closely match yours.
​Use our interactive map to look up your state's filing deadlines, recording consent laws and discrimination laws.
Live in a state with single-party consent? Not sure? Look it up on JustiProof.
Want to know how we recommend you format and organize your discrimination complaint? Sign up for access to the Google Doc of our example report export, complete with incidents and evidence.
What to know what type of discrimination is most common? Or which states have the highest number of discrimination cases? Our interactive report shares the most recent trends and statistics. ​​
A series of blog posts and videos reviewing the subtle signs of discrimination that are often ignored and overlooked by others who are not the target of the discrimination.
Our EEOC focused blog posts including who the EEOC is and how to meet the burden of proof required during the EEOC investigation.​
A walk-through of the 5 Steps JustiProof guides you through when building your discrimination report.